At the ceremony of announcing and awarding the Golden Key Title 2020 recently held by the Vietnam Information Security Association, the pair of Safe Computer products and High Security Camera System of Post Industry Technology Joint Stock Company Vietnam Telecom (VNPT Technology) was honored to receive the Golden Key Award 2020 in the category of Excellent Prospective Information Security Products. Both products are subject to national level scientific research.
Safe computer product is a desktop computer device (Desktop PC) researched, developed, designed and manufactured by VNPT Technology, including the so complex motherboard that Viet Nam can not design and produce. The device is equipped with a security module (Trused Platform Module - TPM), designed and manufactured entirely by VNPT Technology, a security BIOS and data encryption tool, ensuring comprehensively high safety in terms of hardware and data for critical applications by government agencies, businesses and individuals.
The high-security camera system product is the comprehensive security camera solution from the management system, data transmission to IP Camera devices. IP Camera device includes 3-layer security solution. Data transmission layer: Using Secure Chip and DTLS encryption to authenticate devices, ensuring terminal connection security of the device; Encrypted data on the transmission line, ensuring integrity and confidentiality of data on the transmission line.