The vnEdu education system of Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group (VNPT) is considered the number one education ecosystem in Vietnam. vnEdu is one of the top trending keywords on Google in Vietnam ...
The vnEdu ecosystem is built in compliance with the Vietnamese e-government framework 2.0 issued by the Ministry of Information and Communication, which strongly applies modern education trends and 4.0 technologies. This is also the educational ecosystem that accounts for the largest market share in Vietnam and is the most complete and comprehensive ecosystem with more than 20 products and services.
Currently, the ecosystem has been widely deployed in 63/63 provinces and cities for 29,000 schools with 9 million pupils and 900,000 teachers. With its outstanding advantages and contributions in transforming the number of education sectors, VNPT's vnEdu education system has been recognized and honored at many domestic and international awards such as First Prize in Education of Smart City Award (2020), Top 10 Best Sao Khue applications in 2020, Silver IT World Award 2020, VietNam Digital Award, Third Vietnam Talent 2017 ...