The National Electronic Authentication Centre - NEAC has recently announced the survey and assessment results of service quality of public CA (Certificate Authority) in 2024. Accordingly, VNPT-CA of Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group is one of five certificate authority solutions which have the best service quality. At the same time, VNPT is the leading supplier in terms of market share and price. At the ceremony, VNPT representatives received these two important certifications from NEAC under the Ministry of Information and Communications.
The survey and evaluation were conducted by NEAC in collaboration with the Digital Signature and Electronic Transactions Club.
The evaluation was based on the CA-Index 2024 set of indicators developed by NEAC in cooperation with the consulting unit Viet Analytics Company. These indicators include Legal compliance of public CAs; Technology and diversity of services; Market share and service package price; Customer satisfaction when using; and Convenience of applications.
The fact that VNPT-CA continues to be recognized as the solution having the best quality service for the second year recognizes VNPT's efforts in constantly perfecting its technology, ensuring legality, data integrity and high security of the services. Therefore, in 2024, VNPT-CA leads in market share and price, which is understandable.