On March 29, 2023, in Hanoi, the Radio and Electronics Association of Vietnam in collaboration with the International Data Group (IDG) Vietnam held a ceremony to announce and honor outstanding mobile broadband, ISP & cloud computing providers in 2023.
At this event, VNPT Group was awarded the certificate and honored as "Outstanding Telecommunications Service Provider in terms of Mobile broadband customer care". This is the assessment of the Advisory Board of leading experts in the industry with the criteria of satisfaction and trust of customers when using and experiencing VNPT's services and on the basis of votes of service users obtained from the survey results conducted by the Organizing Committee. The survey was conducted January 15 to February 28, 2023 with the participation of more than 6,500 people who have been using mobile and fixed broadband services from various age groups, genders, occupations and incomes.
In 2022, VNPT focused on expanding, upgrading and developing telecommunications network infrastructure. Especially, commercial testing of 5G networks took place in 10 provinces/cities (an increase of 5 provinces compared to 2021). With those efforts, the results are quite positive such as 20% increase in international Internet traffic; Infrastructure capacity to provide data center services increased by 15%; Computing infrastructure for providing IT services increased by 24% and Cloud computing infrastructure increased by more than 5 times compared to 2021.