As a leading enterprise in national digital transformation, VNPT has set out its strategy to develop AI technology, which is to master technology and provide AI products.
On June 15, Mr. Le Thai Hung, Strategic Director of VNPT AI Ecosystem (VNPT Group) said that currently, VNPT has a digital transformation ecosystem with sets of solutions in the following areas: digital government, smart city, digital enterprise, e-health, technology 4.0 and e-education. Thanks to a comprehensive digital transformation ecosystem, VNPT has developed in-depth AI assistants for a specific industry, field, or business.
As a leading enterprise in national digital transformation, VNPT has set out its AI technology development strategy, which is to master the technology and provide AI products in the fields of image recognition, natural language processing, audio processing, and at the same time pioneering the application of AI to industries which VNPT has strengths and advantages including: Government, Telecommunications, Health, Education, Finance .... VNPT will also provide AI platforms and services in the form of software services for society, businesses and individuals to exploit and develop together.
With the above-mentioned strategy, VNPT has set goals to develop AI technology such as: becoming one of 10 prestigious AI brands in the region; 1 of 3 national centers for big data storage and high performance computing; One of three national AI innovation centers and one of the top 20 AI research institutions in the ASEAN region.
To achieve these goals, VNPT proposes a number of policies including: Preferential policies for digital technology enterprises Make in Vietnam; policy on quality control of digital technology products and services Make in Vietnam; promotion and increasing demand; attracting FDI and training and developing digital human resources.